About Us
Founded in 2004, the school has nurtured exceptional ladies and gentlemen who have achieved remarkable accomplishments globally.
- Blessed Hill High school opened her doors to the public in February 2004 with admissions in senior one. The number of students rose from twelve to twenty five by the end of the year, and has been rising consistently.
The school was founded by foresighted professional Ugandan teachers, Mr. and Mrs. Bwegyeme, with long teaching and parenting experience. The founders financed the starting of the school from their savings, hence Blessed Hill is a private school but with a Board of Governors that support the Directors. Blessed Hill High School is a God fearing school, intended to instill discipline and morals in the young generation. The school provides good quality education at a moderate cost, this is driven by the fact that the founders are convinced that educating and nurturing children is their calling, the target population is both local community and national. It is a day and boarding, mixed O’ and A’ level school. It offers both arts and sciences. Trained teachers who are competent in their areas of specialization have been identified and employed. There is a conducive learning environment which is dust free with a cool breeze and a green environment. The school is licensed and registered by Ministry of Education; License number ME/22/4224, Registration number PSS/B/204, UNEB center no. 2125. Special bursaries are offered to needy students after identification.
We have produced students who continue to make history in the country.
We continue to rank among the top schools in Wakiso.
What is life without learning? At Blessed Hill High School, we believe that education forms our habits. It shapes our values and our beliefs, preparing us for the future and steering us on our way. That is why we are committed to providing an outstanding education to every girl in our community, helping her write the story of her life.
The school has a Chaplain who conducts the Sunday services and teaches the word of God. During the Sunday services, boarding students listen to the word of God and receive appropriate counseling. Also once a month the chaplain of the school conducts a school service where all students are expected to attend.

In order to encourage democracy and to develop leadership qualities in students. The school has a democratically elected council to guide the entire school so as to stay as one family

The school is a meeting place for social, academic and intellectual work. The school has Scripture Union, football, netball, mathematics and music, debating clubs, to mention but a few

The school is a meeting place for social, academic and intellectual work. The school has Scripture Union, football, netball, mathematics and music, debating clubs, to mention but a few

Students are provided with first aid at school before being referred to our collaborating health personnel, if sickness persists then they are sent home for further diagnosis. Parents are encouraged to inform the school administration of any complications especially chronic diseases of their children